Acne and good acne treatments

Acne (or acne vulgaris) is a skin disease characterised by the formation of spots and pimples. It occurs when the follicles become blocked with excess oil and dead skin.

Acne tends to affect the areas of the body with the densest population of oil producing follicles, typically the back, face, chest and shoulders.

It most commonly occurs during adolescence when an increase in testosterone levels cause more oil to be produced from the skin.

Although it tends to abate once adolescence has passed, it can continue into adulthood. Although not a serious disease, it can be upsetting for those afflicted and cause self esteem problems. However, there are some good acne treatments readily available including an excellent  face wash for acne so read on.

What causes acne

Acne causes are many and varied, but take heart as there are many good acne treatments available. Acne or (acne vulgaris) is one of the commonest skin ailments which is mainly seen in teenagers but can affect individuals of any age. It is a chronic inflammatory skin condition characterized by papular skin eruptions commonly seen on face, back, neck and shoulders. Other common symptoms of acne include blackheads, white heads, pustules, nodules, scarring, redness and irritation. It is caused due to the clogging of skin pores. Although it is not a serious life threatening condition, severe acne can leave permanent scars, which can be upsetting for people who suffer from this disorder. Acne is related to sebaceous glands which produce more oil resulting in the blockage of tiny holes in the skin’s surface with dirt and bacteria. Three major factors that contribute to acne development are:

1. Overactive sebaceous glands: The major cause of acne development are overactive sebum glands which produce more sebum than is necessary. This extra oil clogs the sebaceous duct and results in the blockage of the skin pore.

2. Abnormal shedding of cells: Acne prone skin produces more dead skin cells, which are not effectively shed and instead they accumulate inside the follicle forming a comedone.

3. Proliferation of bacteria: P. acne bacteria is commonly found in most skin. In people who have acne prone skin, the normal growth of P.acne bacteria is increased due to conducive conditions such as dead cells and oil, warm and anaerobic environment. Bacteria thrive in the humid clogged pore and digest the oil trapped within the pore, releasing fatty acid waste. This causes irritation of the pore resulting in redness and inflammation.

Some of the factors that trigger acne outbursts are:

A family history of acne, medication such as steroids and birth control pills, pregnancy, stress, use of strong shampoos, lotions and make-up and the menstrual cycle.

Good acne treatments

1. Skin cleansing regime: Acne can be treated at home with the help of natural measures. This involves washing the affected are twice daily with a mild soap or cleanser. An example of an excellent skin friendly face wash for acne is  The Face Cleanser by Linda Anousta.

Apply a clay mask – used for centuries in natural skincare and medicine around the world. Rich in minerals it will help to remove dead skin cells, excess sebum and impurities and will stimulate cell regeneration.

Prevent bacteria from growing by applying Silver Shield gel topically. This contains colloidal silver which is anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal (you can use it for athelete’s foot aswell). The face wash, green clay mask and silver shield used together make a very good acne treatment

2. Home remedies for acne: You can use various home remedies such as baking soda paste to prevent outbursts. Mix baking soda with a little water and apply topically. Steaming also helps in opening and cleansing the skin pores.

3. Over-the-counter products: OTC products such as benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid are often used for mild acne cure. They can however take 3 months to be effective, and is harsh upon the skin, stripping it of its natural protective layers and has been linked to skin cancer.

Although milder than benzoyl peroxide, salicyclic acid can still be an irritant and cause dryness.

4.Drink plenty of water to detoxify your body. Avoid eating spicy and oily food. Do not use extremely harsh creams and make-up on your face.

5. Laser: Laser technology is used to kill bacteria and repair the damaged tissue. This treatment is usually expensive, and the results may only be temporary.

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